While internet marketing is far from a new field, small businesses generally still have a lot to learn in taking advantage of the technology that now exists.
There are so many options now available to the small business owner to develop their online presence that it can be a daunting arena if you don’t know where to start.
Well, this page right here is your guide. We’ll walk you through all the essentials your business needs to succeed and thrive in the modern economy.
But we don’t want you to get overwhelmed, so we’ve broken it out into sections so you can just focus on exactly one thing at a time.
So, where do we begin? Under each heading, we break out in the simplest way, how to get started with each of these marketing channels. Click through to the specific page to learn more about each.
Get started today by ensuring that your business is on Facebook, the largest social media site in the world. You can set up a page for free and instantly be available to a huge audience of potential customers.
If your business has anything visual (hint: everything’s visual), then you need to be on Instagram. The photo sharing website is a goldmine for easy audience building with a few simple daily and weekly tasks to get the most out of it.
Quickly becoming one of the top search engines for everything from food recipes to how-to’s to event planning, Pinterest has a broad audience also focused on visual presentation but with huge potential to draw in new customers through search and marketing abilities.
While not thought to be as important as they once were, a modern business website is still essential for small businesses. Your website is your business’s hub of information for your customers. It should also be a place that invites new leads in and collects information about them with landing pages and marketing offers that get your prospects in through your virtual door so they may become customers in your physical store.
The time your customer spends in your store is precious. They’ve taken time out of their busy days and life to come in to your business and share a part of their hard-earned money with you for the service or products you provide. On top of the essentials like maintaining cleanliness, professionalism, and good customer service, you’ll also want to be sure to capitalize on that attention and drive them to get in on your internet presence so you can stay in contact and let them know about future opportunities for them to come back.
As social media websites tend to dominate the attention span of many consumers, one has to remember that the platform is in the hands of another company, ultimately. While algorithms can change and organic reach may go down over time, the ability to reach out directly to customers through their e-mail box is still important as ever.